The Stuff Stops Here

Realize You Are More Than a Conqueror

When taking on a huge organizing project make sure you pace yourself. Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind.

  1. Break down your project into smaller bite size tasks.
  2. Stay focused on one thing at a time.
  3. Don’t expect a miracle overnight.
  4. Realize that having God’s best is not the same as having a lot of stuff.
  5. When things are organized you don’t waste time looking for it.
  6. ORGANIZING is Fun!

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© 2012 Let’s Get It Together and Liz Mason

One In and One Out

Make it a point to get rid of one thing

If you want to keep clutter at bay, follow this simple organizing rule. Before bringing something new into a particular space you must first:
1. Have a specific place to keep it.
2. Agree, that for every one thing you bring into the space one thing must go out.
This keeps you from accumulating unnecessary clutter and will also help curve  impulsive spending.

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© 2012 Let’s Get It Together and Liz Mason

Help I Need A Bigger Barn!

Perhaps you just need less stuff

Many people need better more efficient storage, but few rarely need more storage. Why not build a bigger barn, right? Often times the things you really want to keep that you obviously spent good money for end up being clutter. You’ll need to come to terms with whatever space constraints you have.  Strongly consider the decision of renting a storage unit or using the spare bedroom to store things you rarely ever use. Make a decision that supports your values and desires to live a simpler life.

If you have things you love, but honestly never use it’s likely time to part with them. The peace and clarity that you will experience when your home is free of all the clutter will make you ask one question. Why, oh why didn’t I do this sooner? Eliminate clutter so you can breathe again.

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© 2012 Let’s Get It Together and Liz Mason

Last Minute Gift Giving

Keep a few generic hostess type gifts on-hand

Store your quick ready-to-give gifts in your craft area along with greeting cards and wrapping paper. Keep them unwrapped until you’re ready to give, for a fresh presentation. The next time you are rushing off to a birthday dinner and don’t have time to pick up something nice your freshly wrapped hostess gift will come in handy. Purchase quality items on sale and replenish your stock regularly.

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© 2012 Let’s Get It Together and Liz Mason

Combine Tough Tasks

Consider linking that undesirable project with something that is a habit

For example if you want to organize your handbag or briefcase, but can never find time to get it done. Try doing it when your favorite television program is on. Some tasks that are less desirable, but don’t require your undivided attention can be easily completed while doing something enjoy.

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2012 Let’s Get It Together and Liz Mason

Eliminate Mental Clutter

Watch out for mental clutter. 

It makes you feel like you have less time than you actually do.  It’s a good idea to corral all those energy zapping thoughts onto paper.  Here is where your paper planner or ideas notebook comes in handy.  Now that you’ve unloaded all that information into one central location your head is free to develop new ideas so you can focus your energy on the current tasks at hand.

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© 2012 Let’s Get It Together and Liz Mason